Martial Arts Master shares a little-known SECRET to DRASTICALLY reduce YOUR stress level in minutes!
Learn HOW to take a mini vacation EVERYDAY.
Yes, Please Send Me more Info About This Life-Enhancing Program.
Master Samuel Scott, as seen on WUSA channel 9, has studied martial arts for over 40 years. He is on an unstoppable mission to help thousands of people, like yourself, avoid the debilitating effects of stress.
“Losing my Mother at 68 years young has sent me on an unrelenting mission to help others avoid the debilitating effects of this SILENT KILLER.”
No more toxic drugs that actually do more harm to YOU than good.
No more toxic drugs that actually do more harm to YOU than good.
Did you know that this silent killer:
  • Shortens your life expectancy?
  • Depletes your immune response?
  • Is the culprit of most chronic diseases?
  • ​Drastically affects your self esteem?
  • ​Robs you of much-needed sleep?
  • ​Drastically inhibits your ability to focus?
  • ​Robs you of vital energy?
  • ​Destroys relationships with family, friends, and co-workers?

Stress affects so many areas of your life!

Master Scott’s 4 day stress-reduction program is designed to help you RECLAIM your physical, mental, and spiritual health … in RECORD time.
Watch, in TOTAL amazement, as YOUR numbers drop with EVERY session! 
Watch, in TOTAL amazement, as YOUR numbers drop with EVERY session! 

In this life-enhancing program, you’ll learn how to:

  • Super charge your energy level
  • Develop laser beam focus
  • Gain total control over what we call “Scatter Brain” 
  • ​Totally relax from head to toe in 5 minutes
  • ​Sleep like a baby on demand
  • ​Surgically identify certain stresses in your life
  • ​Bring balance and a sense of peace back into your life
It’s time to reclaim your precious gift of life!
If not for YOU, do it for your loved ones.  
Look what others have to say about Master Scott’s Breathing For Life Program:
"Master Scott's Breathing For Life Program literally saved my life. Before meeting him, I was averaging 4 hours of sleep a night. After one session, I now sleep throughout the night!
His program is amazing!"
Gwen Manning
" I have been practicing Tai Chi/meditation and Chi Kung with Master Scott since 2000. The biggest benefit to me, once I began practicing it consistently for the last 10 years, is the peace of mind that it brings; it helps me to stay focused and just be calm in the moment."
Guro Valencia Robinson
" I have studied meditation/chi kung with Master Scott for a few years now. At 73 years young and one step from earning my black belt, I am amazed at the amount of energy, clarity, and focus I have thru out the day.
His Stress Buster Program is a must for any one that cares about their health. ."
Pastor Ben Rucker
Here’s what you get:
  • 6 weeks of live and recorded trainings with Master Scott 
  • 4 POWERFUL breathing sets to help supercharge your energy level, reduce your stress levels, and cleanse your body of unwanted toxins 
  • 3 Chi Kung sets to enhance vital energy and improve your overall health & well-being
  • Therapeutic Energy Massage to enhance energy flow to vital organs - and much more!
The first 20 people will receive 90 days FREE access to Master Scott’s Breathing For Life Online Program. 
Regular Price: $297
One time Special of $197 ($100 discount)
2 payment options available.
Certificate of Completion will be awarded upon the completion of this course
Certificate of Completion will be awarded upon the completion of this course
Don’t wait!

There is no better time than NOW to INVEST in your physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional well being.

Once you complete this course, I can ASSURE you that you will NEVER look at stress the same again!
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